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Across the Universe

Images of broken light, which 
Dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on across the universe.
Thoughts meander like a
Restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe.

Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Many years ago he told me it took him his whole life to find out what he really wanted to be. At first it sounded a bit sad, but when you saw the joy in his eyes and heard the excitement in his voice, any hint of sadness was washed away and replaced with a broad smile. Years after playing the corporate game with the politics and repetition, he had found peace in a new profession. Who could have guessed it would be at age 70 and as a volunteer fireman?

As you may have read in blog posts before, we have become active supporters of the MDA: speaking at events, gathering with friends to raise money, and meeting some wonderful people from all walks of life. Recently Maddie and I were asked to join their Fill the Boot fundraiser kick-off meeting in Harrisburg, PA. The Fill the Boot campaign began back in 1953 when a Boston fire fighter inspired his colleagues to raise money for a friend who had two boys with muscular dystrophy and has expanded since. (That friend's name was Charlie Crowley, which is odd, but no known relation.) Over the years, fire fighters have stood on street corners, boots in hand, raising money for kids with muscular dystrophy. Since 1953 the International Association of Fire Fighters have raised $435,000,000!

When Maddie and I were asked to come at speak at the event, she was excited and I was nervous. Maddie had recently been named the Pennsylvania State Goodwill Ambassador and was eager to get to work. I had spoke about our story in front of corporate groups, families, and others, but never in front of this group. My default was to present the same slides I had done so many times before, but something was driving me to tell a different story so I could not only motivate this group to hit the streets with vigor, but also offer them a connection to what they do. At first I did not understand, so set is aside.

I sat for some time staring at a blank computer screen trying to come up with the right words, but they did not come. And then, out of the blue, it hit me.  My normal story just would not do. I had an important story to share and this just might be the only chance I'd have to share it. So, I opened up my photo files and searched.

On the drive to Harrisburg Maddie and I talked about life, school, friends, and any old thing she wanted. We played the alphabet game, watched one town pass after another, and enjoyed the quiet. For those of you who have teenage children, you can appreciate how busy life can be going from one event to another. The opportunity to share moments of solitude with your children is a treasure.

When we arrived at the hotel and started to meet the fire fighters from across Pennsylvania I became nervous. I had practiced my speech and had to make sure it was right. I felt an obligation to ensure my message was passed on clearly and that it left the group with the same level of inspiration that it gave me.  When it was our turn, Maddie and I stood up and off we went.

I started the presentation with a short introduction and explanation about Pompe.  I then told them that I would not share the usual story of our experiences since diagnosis. Today was special.  Today I would share the story of another fire fighter who once said, "there is something special about that one" when he referred to our Maddie. I offered them four dates: 1928, 1993, 1998, and 2004. The first was the date of his birth, the second was the date of his retirement, the third was the date he discovered what he wanted to be, and the last was his passing.

I told the story of a man who got involved in his little retirement area, in California's high desert.  Through doing so, he noticed something was missing and just like he had done so many times before, he went about to fix it. He raised awareness, raised money, and helped the community invest in a new fire vehicle.  He went further by inspiring others to become volunteer fire fighters and then decided it was the thing for him as well. After standing on the sidelines, he became a volunteer, fought mountain fires, house fires, saved crash victims, and became a member of the fire fighter brotherhood.  Years later, those brothers stood by him when he fell ill and later by his family as their trucks lead us all to his resting place.

My story did not end there. It continued with a story of inspiration. By sharing photos, I explained that his dedication to fire fighters lives on. I told them how his inspiration guided his grandson's decision to become a San Diego fire fighter. I also told of his grand daughter's commitment to help inspire others including here today. While she may lack the strength to match the physical challenges of fire fighting, she was dedicated to help where she could. I stood at the podium with pride as the photos were revealed one after another. This was the story I wanted to tell because this man was more than a firefighter. He was my father, John Crowley, and one of their brothers.  While he wouldn't be there to stand on the street corners with them, he would be with them in spirit.

Maddie and I finished our presentation together. I mentioned a few lessons we have learned along the way. Maddie said a few words about herself and then what the MDA means to her, her sister, and to her friends. She spoke about fund raising for treatments those she knew that had none. She spoke about her anticipation for MDA Camp and that she loves when the firefighters come there to make dinner. Best BBQ ever! She then thanked them for what they do and for offering hope to everyone with muscular dystrophy.

Here are some of the photos I shared at the end of my presentation:

Fighting a house fire.

In uniform.

His son and grandson, the San Diego fireman.

His grandson (middle) at work.

                                His grand daughter with all the gear.

A few weeks past and I moved on to the other issues of life. There were school events to attend, work to be done, and blogs to be written. We then met up with some of the MDA staff that attended the event. As we relaxed, one approached me and told me she had a photo from my speech, which she wanted to share because there was something special about it. She had taken it at the Fill the Boot event when I was talking of inspiration and sharing photos. When she showed it to me I just smiled.

As you can see below, it's a photo of me at the podium and my dad on the screen.

Maybe it was the lighting in the room; the angle of the picture, or just maybe it was a little divine touch. Either way, that photo showed a son proudly speaking of his father and a dad whose face seems to have taken on extra color and come to life. I'm not saying it was hocus pocus or mystical magic. All I know is that it was a moment, captured in time, when a man appeared to reconfirm he was right all those years ago when he looked at Maddie and said, "there is something special about that one". From Across the Universe he saw that his little grand daughter was working hard to inspire at least one more fire fighter to volunteer to help others, just like he had done so many years before.

So, the ending of the song says, "Nothing's gonna change my world," but I don't believe it. I don't because I've witnessed a team of dedicated firefighters, a grand daughter, and a father do just that.

Thanks for reading,

Credit to: The Beatles, "Across the Universe"


  1. Beautiful post, Matt! Wonderful tribute to a man we all loved so much.

  2. That is a good man at the podium.

  3. My favorite Beatles song and just a fantastic post.

  4. Beautiful as usual


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