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Showing posts from December 26, 2009

The Long and Winding Road to Diagnosis

The long and winding road That leads to your door Will never disappear I've seen that road before It always leads me hereLead me to your door. Hello all. Thank you so much to everyone who has visited Maddie’s blog to date. We are humbled by the response and empowered by all the positive comments. I thought it might be helpful to briefly explain how we got here, so here we go… In May 2009 Donna noticed Maddie was losing some hair so took her to the pediatrician who ran blood tests to see if she had a thyroid problem, mono, or other issue that might be linked to hair loss. The results came back showing elevated liver enzymes which caused the doctor (thankfully!) to forward the information to the top liver specialist at CHOP. We met with Dr. Rand who was wonderful and assured us that they would determine what was going on. Maddie then had a liver ultrasound and additional blood tests to rule out a number of possible culprits. The results showed an increase in the CK enz...