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California Dreaming

All the leaves are brown,
And the sky is grey,
I've been for a walk,
On a winter's day

I'd be safe and warm,
If I was in L.A.,
California Dreamin'
On such a winter's day

Last Sunday, Emma boarded a plane to Sunny California with my sister and niece. She is having a great time enjoying the So Cal beaches, great Mexican food, San Diego, shopping, Los Angeles, In-N-Out Burger, Santa Barbara, and most On Tuesday she'll take her first flight alone and be home just in time for treatment.

On August 1st last year we had just returned home from two great weeks in California topped off by my nephew's wedding in Santa Barbara. To remember the trip I sat down with Donna and created a video to share some great photos from our vacation. This was before we knew anything about muscle biopsies, genetic testing, Pompe disease, or Myozyme. It was also before this blog, our wonderful doctors, and the love and support of many friends.

Yesterday, Emma attended a baby shower for that same nephew's bride.  Although I've never been to a baby shower, I am confident the room was filled not only with little sandwiches and cake, but also with the excitement only a new child can bring and talk of a wonderful future for the new family.

Another year has past and as usual it will end with disappointment for some and joy for others.  Despite all the craziness this past year has brought us, I'll choose the side of joy.  I do so because regardless of Pompe I know our kids would still be out in my brother's yard today dancing with smiles on their faces and California Dreamin' in their hearts.

Where's the sunscreen?

Credit to: Mamas and The Papas, "California Dreaming"


  1. That ain't no Stonehenge.

    Just Saying

  2. I loved this video the moment I saw it.
    xo the scoons

  3. Great news about your nephew expecting a baby! Happy travels back to CA, Emma! Sara, Allison and Natalie (Mark's workin')

  4. “A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men”
    Martin Fraquhar Tupper

  5. It is great to mention California to the East Coast Crowleys. Their eyes immediately sparkle. It is like asking a grandparent about their grand kids. Carter is East Coast though.

  6. “The formula for a happy marriage? It's the same as the one for living in California: when you find a fault, don't dwell on it”
    Jay Trachman

  7. “Santa Barbara is a paradise; Disneyland is a paradise; the U.S. is a paradise. Paradise is just paradise. Mournful, monotonous, and superficial though it may be, it is paradise. There is no other.”
    Jean Baudrillard

  8. “Joy is the feeling of grinning inside.”
    Melba Colgrove

  9. The first widely used sunscreen was produced by Benjamin Greene, an airman and later a pharmacist, in 1944. The product, Red Vet Pet (for red veterinary petrolatum), had limited effectiveness, working as a physical blocker of ultraviolet radiation. It was a disagreeable red, sticky substance similar to petroleum jelly. This product was developed during the height of World War II, when it was likely that the hazards of sun overexposure were becoming apparent to soldiers in the Pacific and to their families at home. Sales of this product boomed when Coppertone acquired the patent and marketed the substance under the Coppertone girl and Bain de Soleil branding in the early 1950s.

  10. In-N-Out remains privately owned and the Snyder family has no plans to take the company public or franchise any units. All Associates are treated like family. Many Associates have been with In-N-Out for over 20 years, some even worked with Harry and Esther in the early years. These relationships and the commitment to the company's philosophies continue to make In-N-Out a very special place to work.

    Summer Internship 2011??

  11. The original song by The Mamas & the Papas was also used in the soundtrack on the Academy Award and Golden Globe-winning film Forrest Gump.

    Just Saying

  12. While not a direct antecedent to the modern baby shower, there is evidence that birth celebrations were held in Egyptian and Roman times. When you look at the evidence that remains of these celebrations, most of the gifts that were given to the family were handmade – an idea enjoying a renewed popularity today.


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